Troy Parks And Recreation

Address: 3179 Livernois, Troy, MI 48083

Phone: (248)524-3484


Tax Preparation

  • AARP volunteers provide assistance with homestead property tax rebates from February-April 15. Assistance is also provided with filing property tax deferments and property tax hardship appeals.
  • Must be age 60 or older.

Home Repair & Chores

  • Two programs: Home chore and SHARP. Home chore program provides outdoor maintenance services which include spring/fall yard clean up, grass cutting, leaf raking, gutter cleaning and snow removal. SHARP (Senior Home Assistance Repair Program) provides home repairs at no charge.
  • Home chore: Must be age 62 or older or disabled. Must be owner/occupant of a home in Troy and be low income. SHARP: Must be age 60 or older and a resident of Troy.

Assistive Equipment Loan

  • Loan closet has wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, portable ramps and shower chairs. A video magnifier that projects and magnifies the written word onto a video screen is also available. No restrictions on time items can be borrowed. Will accept used durable medical equipment.

Legal Counseling

  • Legal counseling offered the third Wednesday of each month 10:30AM-12PM. Visits to homebound seniors available.
  • Must be 50 or older.